Selected greeting: please add me to your contacts
nhot1975 says:
nhot1975 says:
bloggergirl says:
nhot1975 says:
hows your night been?
bloggergirl says:
i just got home from work lol so kinda non existent and about to head to bed, you just caught me really
bloggergirl says:
nhot1975 says:
just got on as well
nhot1975 says:
im married being honest you kool
bloggergirl says:
depends on what you're looking for
nhot1975 says:
bloggergirl says:
bloggergirl says:
honesty is good
nhot1975 says:
just chat an see what happens
nhot1975 says:
do you have msn?
bloggergirl says:
bloggergirl says:
but not sure i'l let you have it yet hehe
nhot1975 says:
nhot1975 says:
nhot1975 says:
you like to add me?
bloggergirl says:
hmm not sure you've passed your audition yet
nhot1975 says:
bloggergirl says:
nhot1975 says:
do u have a pic?
bloggergirl says:
perhaps you should actually look at my profile...
nhot1975 says:
i just did kool pic
bloggergirl says:
bloggergirl says:
nhot1975 says:
so like my addy?
bloggergirl says:
that was your audition? how lame
bloggergirl says:
nhot1975 says:
well i could show you my cam that will be 100 times better
bloggergirl says:
oh really you reckon so?
nhot1975 says:
sure thing
nhot1975 says:
you like to.....
nhot1975 says:
nhot1975 says:
bloggergirl says:
see now you're just coming across as arrogant and pushy
nhot1975 says:
no soz
nhot1975 says:
bloggergirl says:
nhot1975 says:
ha wat
bloggergirl says:
just chucklin
nhot1975 says:
about wat
bloggergirl says:
quick apology when you suspect i wont watch your cam
nhot1975 says:
nhot1975 says:
im hard
bloggergirl says:
girls chuckling at your predictability turns you on huh?
nhot1975 says:
sort off
nhot1975 says:
bloggergirl says:
bloggergirl says:
nhot1975 says:
nhot1975 says:
if u like
bloggergirl says:
persistent little devil arent you?
nhot1975 says:
bloggergirl says:
and what would i see on this cam of yours?
nhot1975 says:
face and more if u like to
bloggergirl says:
like what?
bloggergirl says:
your credit card number or something?
nhot1975 says:
nhot1975 says:
well ur toy if u like
bloggergirl says:
a toy huh? you mean, like a windup train or something?
bloggergirl says:
nhot1975 says:
well its all hard now
bloggergirl says:
*gasp* what have you done to the train!!!!
bloggergirl says:
nhot1975 says:
nearly got smoke
nhot1975 says:
like to add me
nhot1975 says:
bloggergirl says:
why when you're doing so well by yourself?
nhot1975 says:
u got cam
bloggergirl says:
nhot1975 says:
u like phone sex
bloggergirl says:
not with married boys
nhot1975 says:
nhot1975 says:
like to see a married boy blow for you
bloggergirl says:
i dont recall putting that in my profile
nhot1975 says:
nhot1975 says:
say u
bloggergirl says:
if i did, im sure i'd remember
nhot1975 says:
nhot1975 says:
would u like to see my cam
bloggergirl says:
have i given any impression so far that i do?
nhot1975 says:
bloggergirl says:
you're baffled by my lack of interest in your married man penis play?
nhot1975 says:
bloggergirl says:
ah you fellas, thinkin the world revolves around your cock.
nhot1975 says:
getting sucked now
bloggergirl says:
well in that case you really don't need me to help
nhot1975 says:
u like to suck me
bloggergirl says:
lol have you even read my profile?
bloggergirl says:
i say that i only turn my attention on a guy if he's pretty special... yeah so far you're being veerrrrrrrry predictable and like every other guy here
*nhot1975 is offline*
aww i guess he didnt like that, or just finished himself off.
*nhot1975 has been removed from your contacts*