About This Site: Social experimentation meets ever-so-slight masochism... or perhaps it's sadism?

These are the results of a few online dating website memberships. Some of what you are about to read are Guest posts, added kindly from others whom I've invited to contribute. The rest are mine.

All of them are real.

In these posts I simply want to point out the basis of my evident misanthropy.

This website is not about me or my search (however much in jest it may be these days :P ), it is about the people I encounter along the process involved. And sharing a few laughs with you, the public.

Males are highlighted in blue, females in pink - I know its a stereotype, but here it's just a visual aid (and if we don't get around to coloring them by the time you read them, well... 'meh').
I don't censor much as far as usernames or the like, but if it is requested I am more than happy to do so, anyone can just comment on the post.

Let's say you stumble across here and find a conversation we've had online posted below, and you don't have a humour of your own, if you want it removed or the username changed then all you need to do is comment and say so. All too easy, yeah?

The joy of the online world is we can enjoy a level of anonymity - that includes the people featured below - and no one needs know of your little indiscretions... unless you're one of those odd folk who use their full names as usernames.

Which serves as a fitting segue into the following pieces of info:

I am never false in these interactions: my pictures on the dating website are real, as are all of my profile details (ie height, weight, interests, location etc), and I do not pretend to be anything I'm not. If you see me answering what I do for a living and my answers differ: it's because I have several j0bs and it's just easier to only mention one.

I am a 20something Australian female interested predominantly in other females... or perhaps males though my profile does state that you have to be a pretty special male to have a chance.
I do state in my profile that I'm looking for Friendship and people to talk to. (Some other posts: I have selected Casual Dating also, and these both change between 'with a male/female/either' - depending on when the conversation takes place on my personal timeline). I don't lead anyone one to believe we'll get together if we won't.
I do share my phone number and IM contact details on the site very, very occasionally if I wish to communicate further.
I do point out that I am not interested in threesomes or the like; that if I want to meet a guy, I'd add a guy; that chicks are not to contact me and ask if their boyfriend can join in/watch.

Enjoy the chuckles that ensue. I do.

My rough guidelines:
1) almost any contact request I accept, and 2) if possible, they must start the conversation first - I like to see with which foot they lead... and subsequently stick in their mouth.
Sometimes I get bored waiting for the fish to bite... so you'll see me break these rules a few times...

And finally, to anyone out there who is also a member on a dating site and actually genuinely looking for love, I have only this to say:
Do not be discouraged by all the conversations you've had with weirdos similar to what you read here. Real people are out there. Sadly, it just takes a lot of sifting through the sand to find them.
Have faith, patience, but most of all, humour.

- the blogger girl

Thursday, September 29, 2011

If you're going to chat me up, at least use proper grammar!

Llamalland again. Something a bit more recent:

rock1112 says:

Llamalland says:

Llamalland says:
how're you?

rock1112 says:

rock1112 says:
wanna fun

rock1112 says:

Llamalland says:
fun is a verb, now?

rock1112 says:

rock1112 says:
in car

rock1112 says:

Llamalland says:
sex isn't a verb, either

rock1112 says:
wanna sex

rock1112 says:

Llamalland says:
no, see, that runs into the same syntax problem as "wanna fun" did...

Llamalland says:
and adding "now" does nothing to resolve it

rock1112 says:
love to suck your dick

Llamalland says:
see, that's better, at least you have a verb in that one!

Llamalland says:
And you have a noun too

Llamalland says:
but you've got the object of the sentence, with no subject of the sentence.... problematic

Llamalland says:
oh, excuse my misused comma

Llamalland says:
Aw man, I was really hoping I'd find out who/what the subject of the sentence is....

Llamalland says:
a toaster, perhaps? An ourangutan? My grand-aunt Bessie?

And another guy for a somewhat shorter exchange:

cheekyboy35 says:
hi there

Llamalland says:
hi, how're you?

cheekyboy35 says:
im good

cheekyboy35 says:
welcome to come over, sukk r cock

Llamalland says:
where is sukk r cock? I'm not sure I know where to find it.

cheekyboy35 says:
ok cya

cheekyboy35 has removed you from their contacts. You can no longer send any messages to this member.

An Oldie

Hello - I'm Llamalland on oasis, and bloggergirl has been kind enough to let me post here.

Some background stuff: I'm a 20something bi guy, and while I get some nauseating women on oasis too, it's mostly the men who make anything appropriate for here, especially the ones who list as straight. I list on my profile that *seriously* propositioning me before meeting me in person is kinda pathetic and really, sorta weird. And why would someone want to agree to sex with a stranger before sussing them out in person, anyway.

Here's an oldie, it's from early last year, and I saved it to my livejournal because it was just too damn entertaining! I was contacted by two guys soon after one another, both listing as straight, and I talked to them both concurrently. It didn't take long to work out that something other than their choice of sexuality-identity was fishy:

fraggle87 says:
hello hello

fraggle87 says:
how are you

fraggle87 says:
u there sexy

Llamalland says:
internet went funny for a sec

fraggle87 says:
lol what u up too>>

Llamalland says:
just playing internet chess

fraggle87 says:
nice u winning

Llamalland says:
so are you actually interested in men? and if so, why not say so on your profile?

fraggle87 says:
just want to try some new things

fraggle87 says:
its true that over 80% of men are bi u know

fraggle87 says:
what u looking for

fraggle87 says:
i want to be fucked in the ass

Llamalland says:
you should probably find a strapon for that. Plenty of straight guys want to be fucked in the ass.

fraggle87 says:
no i want a man to do it

fraggle87 says:
and i like the look of you

fraggle87 says:
if i wanted a strapon or a dildo i would still be wit my ex

fraggle87 says:
so u up for it

Llamalland says:

Llamalland says:
I don't sleep with internet randoms

fraggle87 says:
well i wont be just a random nighter

fraggle87 says:
i will be random nights

Llamalland says:
no, I didn't say "I don't have random one nighters"

Llamalland says:
I have them all the time, with people I actually know in person

Llamalland says:
I just said I don't sleep with internet randoms

fraggle87 says:
well well i guess we will hav to meet

Llamalland says:
no, we won't. But maybe you should talk with rukusbrendan, you'll get along with him like a house on fire

fraggle87 says:
he is cute

fraggle87 says:
is he gay??

Llamalland says:
he's at least as gay as you are

fraggle87 says:

fraggle87 says:
just wants to try

fraggle87 says:
so u dont want to meet me

fraggle87 says:
if u dont want internet guys why u online

fraggle87 says:
u are such a tease

Llamalland says:
yes, I am a tease because I dare to be on the internet but have the gall to reject an internet random that propositions me

Llamalland says:
I am on this site to meet people and become friends with them, and if it leads to more, ok. Not to have random guys proposition me.

Llamalland says:
But you are right, I am a tease, clearly, because I haven't put on my profile "don't message me asking for random sex"

fraggle87 says:
all i want is some of ur cock ur hotstuff and u turn me on i didnt even read ur profile i just like ur pic

Llamalland says:
and all I want it to mock you and be sarcastic. Unfortunately, only one of us will get what we want

fraggle87 says:
well u miss out pretty boy

Llamalland says:
not really, I'm enjoying the mocking a lot, and I almost certainly get laid more than you

fraggle87 says:

fraggle87 says:
ur being sarcastic again as if u get laid more than me

Llamalland says:
I do. Because I'm intelligent, witty and attractive, and know how to flirt without being

fraggle87 says:

fraggle87 says:
u are nauseating go play ur chess

Llamalland says:
aaah, now that you're certain you're rejected, you feel like being agressive

fraggle87 says:
no no

fraggle87 says:
ur not witty ur just a prik no need to be an ass

Llamalland says:
sore loser

fraggle87 says:
no ur the one that is going to be the loser in the long run bet ur shit in the sack anyway

fraggle87 says:
ur not even hot

fraggle87 says:
u look like a nerd

fraggle87 says:
with a weird shaped head

fraggle87 says:
big nose and shit hair

Llamalland says:
oh nooooo, the random internet person doesn't like the way I look. I guess I'll just have to fuck away the pain.

fraggle87 says:

fraggle87 says:
got ur pump out for ur blow up doll???

fraggle87 has removed you from their contacts. You can no longer send any messages to this member. (and now for the other one)

rukusbrendan says:
hey chief

Llamalland says:

Llamalland says:
how's it going?

rukusbrendan says:
mornin haha

rukusbrendan says:
good and u

Llamalland says:
it's not morning until the sun rises again, in my world

Llamalland says:
pretty good

rukusbrendan says:
true, its not mornin til me and johnson rise either i say@

rukusbrendan says:
what u doin 2day sexy man

rukusbrendan says:
i see u like women and u like men

rukusbrendan says:
have u had a boyfriend b4

Llamalland says:
wondering why someone that is listed as straight would call me sexy, that's what I'm doing right now

rukusbrendan says:
hey just cos it aint on here doesnt mean i dnt like the forbidden fruits... or frank n beans.. i love my share

Llamalland says:
no, no serious relationship with a guy yet

rukusbrendan says:
any sexy fun with a dude?

Llamalland says:
I find it's better to be open and frank about such things. And I don't know why homosexuality should be a forbidden fruit.

rukusbrendan says:
i agree dude

rukusbrendan says:
im gona be open and honest with u... atm im single and my big black dildo gets such a pounding numerous times a day. i wish i had some real meat

rukusbrendan says:
just a man to sink my teeth into like a wild animal rahhhh!!

Llamalland says:
no, that's not open or honest, that's just you stroking your *ahem* ego. Also, dildos don't get poundings, that makes no sense

rukusbrendan says:
what do u mean they dont get poundings... when i shove the knob end up my tight arse i pound the fuck outa it dude.. u should know this if ur really bi

rukusbrendan says:
i dnt think u r.... ur just bi curious

Llamalland says:
no. A dildo does not get a pounding, a dildo *gives* a pounding

Llamalland says:
get it right

rukusbrendan says:
oh well sorry man i didnt know u were so technically correct.. that is a sexy attribute to a mans personality mmm so hot

Llamalland says:
and being randomly fawned over and propositioned by a guy that doesn't really seem to know whether he's straight or bi or gay, isn't honest about it, and thinks homosexuality is forbidden fruit - damn that just makes me so hot

Llamalland says:
hope sarcasm turns you on too, and being mocked

rukusbrendan says:
mate, im just a squirrel tryin to get a nut.. i use this site to meet sexy, smart girls AND guys... i havent come out the closet yet its kinda embarrasing ur mocking me

Llamalland says:
poor kiddo. You'll survive, and someone has to say these things to you, or you'll never learn

rukusbrendan says:
true, and im glad such a sexy man said it to me.. ur pic is making me so hard

rukusbrendan says:
keen to catch up some time?

rukusbrendan says:
u can teach me the ins and outs of butt secks... ive always wanted an older man to teach me

Llamalland says:
you know what? You should talk to fraggle87. I don't want to meet you though, no. But you too will get along great, in fact you guys are so similar I suspect you're the same person using different profiles and pictures

Llamalland says:
but if you aren't, you guys will get along like a house on fire!

rukusbrendan says:
i did a search for him.. he looks cute!!

rukusbrendan says:
have u guys fucked???

rukusbrendan says:
is that why wed get along

Llamalland says:
no, he and you just started talking to me tonight

rukusbrendan says:
i have a great idea...we could all meet up for a 3 sum!!!! ill add him n get to kno him a bit b4 asking

Llamalland says:
no, I think if I went to anything like that, I would meet with either one or two guys, none of which I'd want to sleep with. But you guys go right ahead without me!

rukusbrendan says:
why not at least sleep with me?? i have a good size package

rukusbrendan says:
and i wana taste ur meat dude

Llamalland says:
well we all want some things we can't have

rukusbrendan says:
why are u on this website for ??

Llamalland says:
I am on this site to meet people and become friends with them, and if it leads to more, ok. Not to have random guys proposition me.

rukusbrendan says:
i just want u to fuck my tight brown virgin ring dude.. if ur truely bi youd accept my offer for a few beers.. ill get u drunk then u can bang me

Llamalland says:
Yeah, of course, all bi guys just can't resist any other guys that show an interest.

Llamalland says:
I am bi, I just have taste

rukusbrendan says:
are u saying im ugly..

Llamalland says:
no, you're just a wanker

rukusbrendan says:
ur right.. i could give u a good hand job too if ur keen

rukusbrendan says:
beat u off in 4 mins flat baby ohhh

rukusbrendan says:
ull be blowin everywhere all over me

Llamalland says:
you know what you could do? Give fraggle87 a handjob.

Llamalland says:
bet he'd love it

rukusbrendan says:
hes prob got a bigger cock then u honey

Llamalland says:
I mean, doing it all alone isn't as fun, but it's better than being mocked all the time, isn't it?

Llamalland says:
also, you're bragging about 4 minutes? You have to be kidding.

rukusbrendan says:
the only person being mocked is you dickhead lol

rukusbrendan says:
this chat has been logged idiot lmao its being sent in to a magazine which i will not be telling u the name of haha

Llamalland says:
that's ok, I've already sent copies of both conversations I've had with you to everyone on my mailing list

rukusbrendan says:
lmao the jokes on you cock head hahahhahaha

Llamalland says:
sure it is. *I'm* the joke. You go on thinking that

rukusbrendan says:
lol ur a bi sexual faggot nerd

rukusbrendan says:
mate u should kill urself u look like tom green for fuck sakes

Llamalland says:
and you have tried to chat up this "bisexual faggot nerd" and been completely humiliated in rejection.

rukusbrendan says:
mate im straight as... you are the joke. nothing better than taking the piss out of pathetic losers on here hahahah

Llamalland says:
so you, a straight person, decided to chat up a guy and failed - on two seperate accounts. Yeah, I'm the pathetic one

rukusbrendan says:
on two seperate accounts? nahh me and my mate just find pathetic lookin gay cunts n fat ugly chicks to chat up for our own entertainment bhahahaha

Llamalland says:
oh. That's even more pathetic! I thought you were both one person, but you aren't! And that probably means you're using your own pictures!

rukusbrendan says:
wow u are so fucking smart!!!!

Llamalland says:
and you're calling me ugly!

rukusbrendan says:
im calling u hideous dude.. you look like tom green HAHAHAHAH

Llamalland says:
there aren't even words to describe how pathetic this is. How do you survive looking in the mirror?

rukusbrendan says:
quite easy.. i just buy a new one every time it breaks

rukusbrendan is offline. You can still send this person messages and and they will receive them the next time they are online.

I just love how he seemed to think that the conversation reflected badly on me, and that I'd be mortified to learn that others might read it! And the line about buying a new mirror... he so put me in my place!

Saturday, September 24, 2011

so... I think his name is Pete... but that's the info I could comprende, Ese!

MRGENUINE1111 would like to be added to your contacts
Selected greeting: We have common interests.

(N.B cbf colouring his, so you can just deal with it until I do it :P)

bloggergirl says:
what common interests would they be?
bloggergirl says:
other than we both like boobs?
bloggergirl says:
evidently the ability to read profiles isn't one thing we have in common
bloggergirl says:
....so come on, wow me,,,
bloggergirl says:
MRGENUINE1111 says:
hi hows things babe
bloggergirl says:
ooh reading just isn't your strong point huh?
MRGENUINE1111 says:
sorry wish i could ring ya hey whats ya mobile !!!
bloggergirl says:
here's a tip - on a dating site, maybe uploading many photos in which you are wearing a Jason/Hannibal Lector mask... probably not the greatest brainwave to get chicks to talk to you... let alone give out their numbers within the first 30sec of conversation
bloggergirl says:
tho the USA flag in the background does certainly lend a sophisticated and classy touch to them
MRGENUINE1111 says:
yeah true my mask is one thing but its my hidden treasure most women want LOL LOL pete x
bloggergirl says:
why do you sign your name? Do you think I will have forgotten it so soon?
Or perhaps you think you're writing a letter?
Possibly I'm just a bot... may as well be, this seems to be a very one sided interaction...
I am yet to be wow'd
bloggergirl says:
not that the reference to women wanting your 'hidden treasure' wasn't highly original or suave
bloggergirl says:
your interests listed: cars fishing football cricket gardning
wow it's like we're twins
bloggergirl says:
...you've gone quiet Mr Radtastic
bloggergirl says:
well, quietER
MRGENUINE1111 says:
sorry to upset you, hey and your expectations on here most men on here are married or involved some way TRUE {iam not } GENUINE 100% SINGLE
MRGENUINE1111 says:
Hi you still there babe ?
bloggergirl says:
my computer failed, mayhaps from conversation atrophy
bloggergirl says:
but funny I don't recall mentioning anything about my expectations of men, let alone it relating to their involvement with others
MRGENUINE1111 says:
computers, really suck some times hey
bloggergirl says:
why 'hey?'
bloggergirl says:
is that a question?
MRGENUINE1111 says:
your quick at typing hey !!
bloggergirl says:
are you Canadian? or attracting attention *after* the sentence?
bloggergirl says:
hey hey hey hey hey hey
bloggergirl says:
let's do away with anything else, and just grunt and say hey
MRGENUINE1111 says:
mmm Just come back from the USA babe
bloggergirl says:
And yes, I'm a whole generation away from you - I can navigate a keyboard
bloggergirl says:
Why do you call me babe? Do you call any random chicks you just started talking to a term of endearment without knowing if she likes/approves or not?
MRGENUINE1111 says:
yes you can !
MRGENUINE1111 says:
No i call women babe when i think i may like them thats all no offence
bloggergirl says:
lol what on earth have I given you as a reason to think you may like me?
you've not even answered my first question...
what are these common interests you claim we have?
MRGENUINE1111 says:
my common interests with you are iam single avaliable and iam attractive !!
bloggergirl says:
bloggergirl says:
you fucking serious?
bloggergirl says:
thats your secret recipe for compatibility?
bloggergirl says:
MRGENUINE1111 says:
No friendship and see what happends !!!
bloggergirl says:
read my goddam profile, moron. I dig chicks and if a guy even wants a *chance* at chatting me up he has to be an impressive son of a bitch who can hold a conversation and so far the only thing you've made moist on me is my brain running out of my ears from this hell boring dribble you're giving out
bloggergirl says:
*waits for the essay of reply*
MRGENUINE1111 says:
Typing is good and your good at it but are you the same on the phone, anyway iam only interested in Bi girls for a relationship my mobile is ****245265 txt is good and i will ring ya now cheers pete
bloggergirl says:
lol oh jesus dude, you don't get it huh?
bloggergirl says:
why only bi girls? you want a threesome?
MRGENUINE1111 says:
had threesomes before done that want a sole mate
bloggergirl says:
is that something you buy for your shoes?
bloggergirl says:
so why can only a bi girl be a soulmate?
bloggergirl says:
dude why the fuck would I give you my number? honestly.
MRGENUINE1111 says:
hetro girls are great but iam attracted to bi girls dont know why
bloggergirl says:
bloggergirl says:
so the two of you can perve on a hot chick that passes you?
MRGENUINE1111 says:
no thats not it trust me
bloggergirl says:
Go suck my plastic press-stud phallus, fella. I don't know why you're still trying with me.
MRGENUINE1111 says:
broadminded lady does it for me hey
bloggergirl says:
yeah, trust you. Uh-huh, I'll write that down:
"Note to self, trust the boring creepy horrorfilm masked man I just started talking to online. Even though he keeps wanting to talk on the phone and can't take the hint that I'd rather swallow a snail thickshake than pursue this via any further medium"
MRGENUINE1111 says:
you seem real angry at me i feel why babe
bloggergirl says:
hey hey hey we're back to speaking in hey
bloggergirl says:
nah, not angry. Just amused.
MRGENUINE1111 says:
yeah hey i need a horse lol
bloggergirl says:
oh and now we've descended into random references in an attempt to stay involved with the mockery
bloggergirl says:
nice one
MRGENUINE1111 says:
iam really a nice guy ring me
bloggergirl says:
HAHAAHAHA why?? You haven't answered that once!
bloggergirl says:
why would I a) waste my credit, b) give you my number in doing so, and c) want to converse verbally with someone who finishes each sentence with hey, hey hey hey hey hey
bloggergirl says:
MRGENUINE1111 says:
iam looking for a friend and see what happends thats all
bloggergirl says:
I'm not your friend.
bloggergirl says:
And what will happen is that I will continue to laugh at you.
bloggergirl says:
And you should be spending this time chatting to someon who actually *wants* your company - that said, thanks for the high level of entertainment.
MRGENUINE1111 says:
yeah true but iam only trying to be nice not have a go at anyone
bloggergirl says:
the first paragraph of my 'About Me' details that I am not similarly inclined.
MRGENUINE1111 says:
are you open minded then
bloggergirl says:
dude, wtf does that even mean? and are you even reading what I'm typing here?
you got your own lil script there, huh?
bloggergirl says:
you want a girl to do you with a strap on, hey?
thats the attraction to bi girls
MRGENUINE1111 says:
no strap on ive been in a relationship for 5 years with 2 women done all sorts of shit
bloggergirl says:
oooooh I am so unbelievably and all-consumingly impressed
bloggergirl says:
aren't you going away yet?
bloggergirl says:
guys like you make girls like me be less attracted to guys in general.
MRGENUINE1111 says:
why would i go away
bloggergirl says:
Cos I think you're a wanker that doesn't get the hint that I think as such?
MRGENUINE1111 says:
iam a genuine person who loves a relationship and sex
bloggergirl says:
bloggergirl says:
that interests me how?
MRGENUINE1111 says:
well iam on here to find friends and see what happends thats all
bloggergirl says:
So you've said. REPEATEDLY.
And I've said, repeatedly, to piss off and that I've no interest in being friends with you.
bloggergirl says:
so how about you fuck off now?
MRGENUINE1111 says:
sorry we can talk about something different i will take the mask off lol pete x
bloggergirl says:
dude, I swear you're brain dead.
MRGENUINE1111 says:
yeah mum said that when i was born lol
bloggergirl says:
no shit, they slapped the wrong end or something?
MRGENUINE1111 says:
yes they did slap the wrong end
bloggergirl says:
yeah ok, I'm going now. You're quite obviously retarded.
bloggergirl says:
Well no, you're not, but you should try it sometime. I think you'd excel.
bloggergirl says:
bye, good luck with.... whatever it is you're vaguely after.
MRGENUINE1111 says:
hi its pete, hope you will ring me for a chat i can not type my mobile is ****245265 txt is good please get back love to hear from ya BABE
bloggergirl says:
omg, I hope you're just a very clever bot.
MRGENUINE1111 says:
ring me now love to hear ya
bloggergirl says:
up yours
MRGENUINE1111 says:
why up mine your the women trying to be a guy on here lol
bloggergirl says:
funny motherfucker arent you?
MRGENUINE1111 says:
mmmm hey mate try gay match maker mmmm
bloggergirl says:
blah blah blah
MRGENUINE1111 says:
ya might get it up the ass on gay match maker HEY
bloggergirl says:
oh so it *can* get fired up! looky there!
MRGENUINE1111 says:
mmmm just come out and say your a guy
bloggergirl says:
no honey I think thats more up your alley... pardon the pun... And I hope for your sake you're not stupid enough to put your actual number on here
MRGENUINE1111 says:
yeah thats my number remember it iam a cop
bloggergirl says:
hahahahaahaha nope, not a guy. just a chick who thinks you're very uninteresting and doesn't want to play in the sandpit with you
bloggergirl says:
oooh a cop - even if I believed you, wtf could you do it me? fuck all is what.
MRGENUINE1111 says:
sandpitt whats that sand castles
bloggergirl says:
hmmm actually, with intellect like that.. maybe you *are* a cop.
MRGENUINE1111 says:
yes i can smell my prey thats why i keep typing lol
bloggergirl says:
lol prey! uh-huh, for what?
come on, scare me!
MRGENUINE1111 says:
scare you i thought the mask was enough lol
bloggergirl says:
I think the sheer thought that you exist in the community somewhere and pass for a functioning human is frightening enough
MRGENUINE1111 says:
cheers why are you on here
bloggergirl says:
I told you, interactions like these amuse me.
I mean sure if I want to talk to someone, I add them. But you added me, remember?
Why are you on here? I think you've been just as amused
MRGENUINE1111 says:
looking for love or friendship
MRGENUINE1111 says:
ring me ****245265
bloggergirl says:
yeah... no thanks.
bloggergirl says:
persistent lil tyke huh?
MRGENUINE1111 says:
why you can type quick but ya cant talk or have a mans voice!! ???
bloggergirl says:
lol you're convinced of that huh? well if it gets you off my case trying to get me to call you then yeah, okay sure I'm a guy, why not?
bloggergirl says:
I'll say I'm a guy if it means you run along happy
MRGENUINE1111 says:
mmmm your a women very lonely and horny mmm
bloggergirl says:
bloggergirl says:
changing tactics?
MRGENUINE1111 says:
bloggergirl says:
you calling me horny or are you stating that you are?
MRGENUINE1111 says:
ring me you wont be disappointed ****245265
bloggergirl says:
I'm pretty sure I will
MRGENUINE1111 says:
bloggergirl says:
lol okay humour me, say I call you. what exactly will you say or do that will be soooo amazing? I'll hear you shoot your load?
well cock-a-doodle-doo
bloggergirl says:
see there, how rude you didn't even say please.
MRGENUINE1111 says:
i say please pete xxxxx
bloggergirl says:
nah, fuck you... oh wait, you probably already are.
Sorry man, I don't get paid to listen to guys wank like some of the women out there.
bloggergirl says:
I guess that accounts for the slow typing
MRGENUINE1111 says:
mmmmm i wait for you ladys first RING
bloggergirl says:
lol you're a dickwad
bloggergirl says:
this is what I love about guys, once they're on the homestretch, it doesn't matter what we do or say
MRGENUINE1111 says:
mmm talk to me on the phone
bloggergirl says:
bloggergirl says:
and if I'm doing you any favours by still talking to you here then I now pronounce me silent and not helping you have your lonely internet wank
MRGENUINE1111 says:
come on ring me or txt me i hate typing lol
bloggergirl says:
I bet, it'd take up valuable jerking time. how inconvenient.
MRGENUINE1111 says:
ring me now
bloggergirl says:
*zips mouth shut* nah, go choke your chicken all by yourself.
MRGENUINE1111 says:
mmm i wanna hear your voice
MRGENUINE1111 says:
ring me
bloggergirl says:
ooh look! emoticons!
bloggergirl says:
MRGENUINE1111 says:
cum on be brave
bloggergirl says:
awww can't you cum without me on the phone?
MRGENUINE1111 says:
i have a high sex drive i
bloggergirl says:
okay! goodnight!

*I click to Appear Offline*

MRGENUINE1111 says:
ring me babe !!!! pete enjoyed your spills hey !!

*MRGENUINE1111 has been removed from your contacts.*

MRGENUINE1111 sent you a flirt. "Hi There"
(Animation of a guy in a suit saying 'Hi There')

You have sent a flirt to MRGENUINE1111.
(Animation of a kitty that reads: "Sorry, you're not who I'm looking for. Good luck finding someone".)

Jeeez, what a oddity.
This job is so weird sometimes.
That whole interaction took about 2(ish) hours. Boy's got stamina, I'll give him that.

****oh for oh oh

Sunday, September 18, 2011

To the seat of the issue

Another Guest post from Chestylerou

chrisg1982 says:
Chestylerou says:
hey, how's it going?
chrisg1982 says:
chrisg1982 says:
how has you day been
Chestylerou says:
not too bad, just been organising stuff, nothing too interesting
Chestylerou says:
how bout yours?
chrisg1982 says:
you look sexy
Chestylerou says:
um, thanks
chrisg1982 says:
Chestylerou says:
no thank you

*chrisg1982 has removed you from their contacts.*